Letter to GW Gorton in reply 1892 |
United States Senate, Washington DC
March 14th, 1892
Mr. George W Gorton,
Soda Springs, Idaho
My dear George:
Your congratulatory telegram was received and I thank you very much for it.
The large number received from every portion of the state and elsewhere while precluding a more extended acknowledgement at this time of you kindness and friendship, does not make my appreciation of it any the less sincere.
Your friend,
Fred T Dubois
Election Certificate 1888 for GW Gorton |
Office of the
Board of County Commissioners of Custer County, Idaho
FJ Clyde, Clerk
Challis, Idaho, Dec 1st, 1888
This certifies that at a General Election held in the Counties of Custer and Bingham in the Territory of Idaho, on the 6th day of November AD 1888, George W Gorton, having received the highest number of votes cast at said Election, for the office of Joint Member of the Legislation Assembly of the Territory of Idaho for Bingham and Custer Counties was by the Canvassing Boards of said Counties declared duly elected to said Office as appears from the Official Returns of said Election on file in my Office.
In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal at Challis, the County seat of said Custer County, this First day of December AD 1888.
FJ Clyde
Auditor and Recorder
Custer Co Idaho
Gayla and Woodrow Wedding announcement 1957 |
Gayla Gorton Christensen
Lowin Woodrow Clark
announce their marriage
on Saturday, June twenty-ninth
nineteen hundred and fifty-seven
Provo, Utah
Condolence letter to Henry Gorton upon GW Gorton death 1899 |
The Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society
of Norwich, England
San Francisco, California
Pocatello, Idaho
January 10 1899
Mr Henry Gorton
Soda Springs, Idaho
Dear Henry:
Owing to an appointment I have gotten from Boise, it is necessary for me to go over on Friday's train and while I hope to be able to be able to get back by Friday to Soda to the funeral, yet I may fail and if so I desire to express to you my sincere condolences. You have lost a father who was, in my opinion, one of the best men in the world and I feel his loss truly. Extend my sympathy to your mother and assure her we all feel for her.
If I can be of value to you by way of extending any advice, or otherwise, do not hesitate in asking. I wish you as well for the future as possible under the trying circumstances through which you are called upon to pass. Yours very truly,
CF Amry (?)
Land Deed for GW Gorton 1885 |
Notice of Location
Notice is hereby given that the Undersigned having complied with the Requirements of Chapter Six of Title Thirty Two of the Revised Statutes of the United States and the local Custom Laws and Regulations, has located 40 acres of Placer Mining Ground. at the mouth of the north fork of Eagle Creek on the west side of the Carriboo Mountain in Bingham County, Idaho Territory and described as follows to wit comencing at this notice and running west down this break (5808 feet) Five Thousand Eight hundred and eight feet by (300 feet) Three hundred feet in width.
Located October 1st AD 1885
GW Gorton
Christ Panting
Witness GL Halverson
Balance Due Receipt from GW Gorton Store |
Geo W Gorton General Store
Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions
Harriet Potter
1891 75.00
1892 144.00
1893 140.00
1894 84.00
13 bushels Turnups 1.30
15 bushels Potatoes 9.78
4 bushels Buckwheet 3.00
1 bushel ***** .20
Interest 43.00
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